Dear Wade Hampton Football Family:

Thank you all for being patient as we have been planning to “return to play” for our fall sports and our football program. We are SO excited to get back, see our players, and start building for a successful year. As you know, this offseason has been and will continue to be very challenging. As a result, we are faced with having to follow strict guidelines set in place by our own South Carolina High School League and school district who have worked to ensure the safety of staff members and athletes alike.

This Sunday, June 14th I will be holding a parent/athlete meeting via Zoom at 7:00pm and I would like to invite each one of you to see and hear about our guidelines and procedures that in place for the “PHASE 1” of summer workouts. This meeting is very important to attend because this is where you will learn what group each athlete is to be in, what time they are to arrive, and which parking spot they are assigned.

As a summary: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week will be set aside as “walk through” sessions for athletes and/or parents to see exactly what will take place when we start up on Thursday, June 18th. Athletes and/or parents are REQUIRED to attend at least one of the sessions and have the freedom to attend all three.

In the meantime, in order to participate fully in our workouts beginning June 18th each athlete has got to have all paperwork loaded onto PlanetHS and approved. This means an updated physical as well. New physical forms can be downloaded from our School webpage, but if your athlete has already uploaded a physical using the old form it will suffice.

Thank you again, and I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday!

Coach Miller is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Return to Play – football Wade Hampton
Time: Jun 14, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 994 7645 9541
Password: 107744
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